The Growth Performance and Linear Body Measurements of Mongrel Rabbits in a Tropical Environment

Isaac, L.J. *

Department of Animal Science, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.

Ekong, N.B.

Department of Animal Science, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.

Udoh, U.H.

Department of Animal Science, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.

Ipinu, J.A.

Department of Animal Science, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study investigates the growth performance and linear body measurements of mongrel rabbits raised under tropical conditions, providing empirical evidence for their viability as a sustainable protein source in Nigeria. A total of sixty progenies were used to evaluate growth traits comprising of body weight and linear body parameters in mongrel rabbits, estimate phenotypic correlations among growth traits and develop regression models to predict body weight using linear body measurements. Body weight and linear body measurements comprising; Ear length, Heart girth, Body length, Fore-limb, Hind limb and Tail length were taken from 8 weeks to 16 weeks of age. Results showed that age exerted (P < 0.05) significant influence on all growth traits. During the study period, a positive and substantial correlation was found between body weight and all linear body parameters. This implies that, an improvement in any of linear parameters will bring about an improvement in body weight vice versa. Body weight was significantly predicted using linear body measurements with high to medium degree of validity. Higher validity was observed in the multiple model when more traits where fitted into the prediction equation.

Keywords: Mongrel, growth performance phenotypic correlations, body weight prediction

How to Cite

L.J., I., N.B., E., U.H., U., & J.A., I. (2025). The Growth Performance and Linear Body Measurements of Mongrel Rabbits in a Tropical Environment. Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences, 7(1), 8–17.


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